As U.S. hit over 200,000 COIVD-19 deaths, how do we put this number in context?
President Trump has repeatedly implied America is at war with COVID-19.
March 28, 2020: Trump said of COVID-19, “It’s a medical war. We have to win this war. It’s very important.”
April 10, 2020: @realDonaldTrump: The Invisible Enemy will soon be in full retreat!
May 14, 2020: Trump says doctors are running into death like “soldiers run into bullets”
Let's look at how many U.S. Servicemembers have died in various wars.
***NOTE: The below figures are ESTIMATES from the Department of Veterans Affairs as a November 2019.
American Revolution (1775-1783):
Battle Deaths: 4,435
War of 1812 (1812-1815):
Battle Deaths: 2,260
Civil War (1861-1865):
Battle Deaths (Union): 140,414
Other Deaths (In Theater) (Union): 224,097
Battle Deaths (Confederate): 74,524
Other Deaths (In Theater) (Confederate): 59,297
World War I (1917-1918):
Battle Deaths: 53,402
Other Deaths in Service (Non-Theater): 63,114
World War II (1941 –1945):
Battle Deaths: 291,557
Other Deaths in Service (Non-Theater): 113,842
Korean War (1950-1953):
Battle Deaths: 33,739
Other Deaths (In Theater): 2,835
Other Deaths in Service (Non-Theater): 17,672
Vietnam War (1964-1975):
Battle Deaths: 47,434
Other Deaths (In Theater): 10,786
Other Deaths in Service (Non-Theater): 32,000
Desert Shield/Desert Storm (1990-1991):
Battle Deaths: 148
Other Deaths (In Theater): 235
Other Deaths in Service (Non-Theater): 1,565