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A Dangerous Precedent

President Trump routinely reminds the American people of his love for dictators and strongmen around the world. Since announcing his run for the White House, Trump has praised Saddam Hussein, Moammar Gaddafi, Egyptian President el-Sisi, Russian President Putin, Turkish President Erdogan, Philippine President Duterte and North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un. These men are accused of overthrowing democratically elected leaders, jailing political dissenters, limiting freedom of expression and killing innocent civilians.

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that following the disappearance of journalist and American resident Jamal Khashoggi from the Saudi Consulate in Turkey, Trump did not appear very willing to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for what happened to him.

Despite Turkish security officials and numerous independent media reports concluding that Khashoggi was assassinated on orders from the highest levels of the Saudi royal family, Trump defended the Saudi royal family and advanced a far less probable scenario regarding what happened to Khashoggi.

Initially, the King and Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia denied their country had anything to do with Khashoggi’s disappearance. The Saudis said, without any evidence, that Khashoggi left their consulate “safe and free” on the same day that he arrived.

The notion that Khashoggi left the Saudi consulate “safe and free” on the same day he entered was immediately rejected as it directly conflicted with security camera footage showing Khashoggi entering, but never leaving, the Saudi consulate.

Following the Saudis’ botched denial of any involvement in Khashoggi’s disappear, Trump and King Salman spoke on the phone and appeared to concoct a new story regarding Khashoggi’s death.

After speaking with King Salman, Trump told reporters the king “firmly denied” any involvement in Khashoggi’s disappearance and perhaps “rogue killers” were behind his death.

Trump further expressed confidence in the king’s by refusing to cancel, or put on hold, America’s multi-billion dollar weapons sale to Saudi Arabia and choosing not to pull Treasury Secretary Mnuchin from attending an Investment forum in Saudi Arabia that many business leaders backed out of.

Trump’s decision to float an insane conspiracy theory that “rogue killers” might have been behind Khashoggi’s death totally files in the face of credulity and is only a poor attempt to shield a ruthless totalitarian dictator from scrutiny.

How could Saudi Arabia not know about “rogue killers” in their consulate? Why would Saudi Arabia let “rogue killers” into their consulate?

Trump’s decision to parrot Saudi denials regarding Khashoggi’s disappearance is a direct result of his love for absolute rulers, his financial ties to Saudi Arabia and his well known hatred of journalists.

During the 2016 president campaign, Trump bragged that Saudi Arabia had "been a great ally” to him. Trump said, "They buy apartments from me...they spend $40 million, $50 million. Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much." It is also well documented that Trump sold his yacht to a Saudi billionaire and a stake in the Plaza Hotel when he was in financial distress.

Despite being elected President of the United States, Trump has shown time and again, he does not put the American people first. Trump puts his own financial interests above all. By choosing not to stand up to the Saudis and demand accountability for the death of journalist and American resident, Jamal Khashoggi, Trump is sending a very dangerous message. So long as you help enrich the bottom line of Trump, there appears to be nothing he will not allow you to get away with even at the expense of the people he swore to protect.

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